Category:1866 town property owners

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As shown on the 1866 Santa Cruz map. Solomon Foreman and Thomas Wright are included in this category as the creators of the map. A Sentinel article ("The Official Survey of Santa Cruz", Santa Cruz Sentinel, Jun 23, 1866, 2:4) lists property owners by map section ("block").

Probable misspellings in the Sentinel lists:

  • Block 1, Lot 1: "Walter" instead of Walker
  • Block 1, Lot 14: "Nary" instead of Neary
  • Block 1, Lot 19: "Deising" instead of Diesing
  • Block 4, Lot 1: "Elden" instead of Eldon
  • Block 10, Lot 18: "Wilson" instead of "Willson"
  • Block 10, Lot 19: "Bagnell" instead of "Bagnall"

Listed property owners lacking a page (at this time):

  • Block 1: Auld, Ossian G. (see also Category:Persons in Riptide)
  • Block 2: Mulhein, P. // Meehan, J. // Hanly, Tom // Morgan, Mary A. // Sweeney, L.
  • Block 3: Clark, Ellen // Gray, Richard // Sennett (Mack?) // Wilkinson, Peter // Nickerson, W. P.
  • Block 4: Rawson, H. C. (also Block 10) // Merrill, J. W. // Lukens, E. // Breen, James (of the Donner Party Breens?) // Wanzer, James O. // Carr, Mrs. M.
  • Block 5: Bender, A.
  • Block 6:
  • Block 7: Rosenthal, D. // Nugent, R. // Stein, J. // Merritt, J. D. // Monteverde, M. G. // Smith, James // Allen, J. D. (see also Category:Persons in Riptide) // Laws, R. C.
  • Block 8: Vestal, R, K. // Lutz, John // Eggleston, G. W. // Elliott, William // Russell, J. Q.
  • Block 9: Vestal, Miss I and K // Besse, J. N. // Bender, Mrs. E. // Railey, F. E.
  • Block 10: Warner, Peter // Knowles, Rufus // Nichols, B, C. // Patterson, J. R. //
  • Block 11: Haslam, D. J. // Remnant, G. // Cloud, J. // Piatt
  • Block 12: Dustin, C. H. // Roberson, A. // Waterman, W. E. // Liddell, E. (related to Liddell, George?) // Tainter, Samuel // Bergen, Mary
  • Block 13:

Pages in category "1866 town property owners"

The following 96 pages are in this category, out of 96 total.