Gushee, Horace

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Gushee, Horace (Riptide portrait).png

Horace Gushee (1815-1906), born in Mass., came to the Pescadero area (then part of Santa Cruz County) in the late 1850s as a dairyman (Riptide CPL2). Thereafter he was involved in various activities in the county: as a north-coast rancher; as a trustee of the Felton & Santa-Cruz railroad; and as a subdivider in Felton (per Rowland, p.170-171 - Gushee Street remembers him there). By 1866 he was owner of a 4+ acre parcel extending from Rincon Street (between today's Church and Walnut) up onto the terrace as far as Mission Street.

The portrait at right is from the Riptide centennial edition. Horace and wife Esther were Soc. of Pioneers members.