Morgan, J. W.
John William Morgan (1829-1896), born in Ohio, came overland to California in 1849, but returned east to Missouri after 2 years of gold mining. There his first son was born in 1852. With his wife and child, Morgan first came to Santa Cruz in 1854, returning to settle in the Soquel area in 1860.
The Pioneer Book biography states that Morgan was a brother-in-law of fellow-Ohioan David Gharky, and that a trail acquaintance was Titus Hale. It was Hale's second California trip, and he also ended up in Santa Cruz. Morgan continued to travel to other places in California to engage in businesses including milling and lumbering, but apparently was a well-regarded gentleman farmer when in Santa Cruz County.
Morgan and two of his daughters (out of 9 total children) were Soc. of Pioneers members. Harrison (p.262-63) has a brief autobiography. Posthumous biographies in Guinn (p.606, 609) and Martin (p.310-313).