Bern, Charles
From Santa Cruz County history wiki
Charles Bern (1830-1893), a cabinetmaker by trade, came to Santa Cruz from Freiberg, Saxony in the 1850s.
- From Harrison bio (p.263): "Charles Bern . . . is a native of [Freiberg] Saxony, Germany, and was born in 1830; . . . early in 1850 our subject embarked for the Golden West . . . to San Francisco . . . his knowledge of cabinet making stood him in good stead. His new vocation was that of making saddletree. . . . His employer took him to San Jose . . .. Here he met John Werner, then a journeyman saddler. The two . . . shortly afterwards . . . came to Santa Cruz together, where both have ever since had their homes. Mr. Bern . . . was a maker of saddletrees, then a cabinet maker, then a butcher, and lastly a nurseryman and florist. In 1861 Mr. Bern was married to Miss Caroline Marwede, a sister of Mrs. Henry Fell Parsons, Mrs. Werner Finkeldey, and Mrs. E. Kunitz . . . Mrs. Bern is a native of Hanover, Germany."