Tuttle, Daniel
From Santa Cruz County history wiki
Daniel Tuttle (1823-1894), brother of Owen Tuttle, is named in Harrison (p.375-76) as a member of the Galoot Club. From the profile posted to Find-a-Grave:
"DANIEL TUTTLE, one of the successful business men of Watsonville, and a pioneer, was born in Richland county, Ohio, in 1823. He is a son of Hiram and Annie (Dille) Tuttle, who were among the earliest settlers of Ohio. In that State his father built a house which had not a single nail in it, even the doors being pinned together. They had six sons and two daughters. The father died in 1848 and the mother in 1890.
Mr. Tuttle received a fair common-school education, and was reared on a farm. At the age of twenty years he began to do for himself. He had only three dollars in money, and after paying half of it for his license, he began married life with the small sum of $1.50. Near Ottumwa, Iowa, he engaged in farming and got a good start. Then, in 1852, he came to California, across the plains. Their party was composed of about eighteen persons, and they had seven wagons. After a journey of five months, they landed safe in Shasta City, in August. Six months later they went to Colusa county, and there Mr. Tuttle at first farmed, by the month. Then he bought land and raised barley for the Government. In 1854 he came to Santa Cruz county. His first purchase of land was 200 acres, which, after he had it all fenced, etc., he lost through an old Spanish title. Not discouraged, however, in 1860 he bought ninety acres near Watsonville, which he has since improved, and to it added eighty acres. He has also owned some desirable stock ranches and has raised some fine stock. He is ranked with the successful men of the county, notwithstanding the fact that he was broken up in the start through a defective title. He laughs over it now, and says he is able to buy out all who claimed a better title than he could prove.
Mr. Tuttle was married in Iowa, in 1844, to Miss Mary A. Pardoe, a daughter of Rev. John and Susan (Lotspeich) Pardoe. Their children are as follows: Dr. Hiram P., of Tacoma, Washington; Susan, wife of Sheldon Allen; Owen S., a stock-raiser of Santa Cruz county; Mary, wife of Sidney Menasco; and Frank G. and Schuyler, butchers, Watsonville.
In politics Mr. Tuttle is a Republican. He was chosen by a large majority to represent his county in the Legislature in 1878, to form the new constitution. He has taken a lively interest in educational matters, and has not only given his children good education, but has given them all a comfortable start in life.
Memorial and Biographical History of the Coast Counties of Central California (1893). CHICAGO: THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY."
Daniel's son Owen S. Tuttle is also profiled in Guinn.