Jackson, William H.
William Henry Jackson (1830-1908) - known locally as "Harry" or "Hy" - was, according to Harrison (Henry Jackson, p.230), "born of English parents, in East Prussia, in 1829." He presumably grew up bilingual in German and English, which served him well when he came to Santa Cruz County in 1852. He became an employee, then a partner of F. A. Hihn to open a mercantile business in Watsonville. Jackson soon bought out Hihn's interest to own the business alone.
In 1855, Jackson married "Marie Adelaide ['Adeline'] Rodriguez, a daughter of one of the earliest Spanish families in California." (1837-1916). The marriage produced 13 children.
Jackson was selected as one of the first town trustees when Watsonville was incorporated in 1868, and was reelected several times.